Fortum Charge & Drive

Appen för att ladda din EV


Vattenfall InCharge

Charge & Drive offers seamless access to Vattenfall InCharge charging stations across Sweden.

At Fortum Charge & Drive, we make it easy for electric vehicle drivers to access a wide network of charging stations across Sweden. Through our collaboration with Vattenfall InCharge, Charge & Drive users can conveniently charge at thousands of charging points in Sweden with a reliable and user-friendly charging experience.

Har du problem med laddning vid en Vattenfall InCharge -laddstation?

Ta kontakt med Vattenfall InCharge kundtjänst

Direktnummer 020-52 62 00

Charge & Drive offers seamless access to Vattenfall InCharge charging stations across Sweden

En app – flera laddstationsoperatörer

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